RTV.js Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Date format is YYYY-MM-DD.


Release date: 2024-08-03

No changes since v5.0.0-beta.0.

🚨 Note this release contains breaking changes.


Release date: 2024-08-03

There are no API additions/changes in this release. The focus is on ESM.


  • ESM-only for the browser: UMD and CJS browser builds have been removed (see ESM in browser for an example of how to import this directly into the browser as a global).
  • ESM and CJS for Node, with .cjs (require()) and .mjs (import) builds.
  • Library now uses/depends (as a peer) on lodash-es (ESM) instead of lodash (CJS).
  • When importing the library (e.g. import * as rtv from 'rtvjs'), it will import from the slim build by default
    • The assumption is it’s being imported for use in an app/library that will provide the necessary externals in its build/package rather than import from the self-contained build and cause duplication of its dependencies (and possibly conflicts at runtime).
  • File structure under the published ./dist directory has changed: Files are now split between node and browser directories.
  • See Installation for information on which files are meant to be used where. Some previous formats are no longer available.
  • The main field in package.json has been removed in favor of exports.
  • Minimum supported version of Node is v16.12.0 (for ESM support).


  • Minified version of the ESM build for use in browsers.


  • @babel/runtime and lodash-es are now peerDependencies since they are required for the slim builds.


Release date: 2024-02-17

There are no code changes in this release.


  • Links in package.json, README.md, API.md, and CHANGELOG.md updated to point to new GitHub repo.


Release date: 2022-05-12


  • New mvv (Minimum Viable Value) property on the RtvSuccess object returned on successful validations.
    • This property contains the “smallest” value that would pass the same validation. See the new section in the README by the same title for more details.


  • Fixed: Using the exactShapes option while not specifying a shape in the $ Shape arguments would require the object being checked to be empty.
    • If a specific shape isn’t specified, the flag is meant to be ignored since there is no explicit shape to check against.
    • Explicitly providing an empty shape {} with the exactShapes flag, however, will require the object to be empty (i.e. have no own-properties).
  • Fixed: Printing a typeset including the CLASS_OBJECT type’s ctor argument resulted in {"ctor":"<validator>"}. Now it results in {"ctor":"<constructor>"} since the function is not a validator in this case.
  • Ignore falsy values on nested shape property typesets (e.g. rtv.verify({ foo: 123 }, { foo: null }) will now pass, ignoring/not validating the foo property instead of throwing an “invalid typeset” error because null is not a valid typeset.
    • This can make it easier to combine multiple shapes into a larger shape using destructuring where you use a falsy value to override an inherited shape property in order to exclude it from the larger shape instead of having to explicitly delete the property from the shape (and having to build the larger shape seperately instead of inline in an rtv.check() or rtv.verify() call).
    • For example: shape1 = { foo: rtv.NUMBER }; shape2 = { bar: rtv.STRING }; rtv.verify({ foo: 123 }, { ...shape1, ...shape2, bar: null }); will now succeed.


Release date: 2021-05-01


  • Dropped support for Node 10 which fell out of LTS as of yesterday. Node >= 12 is supported going forward.
  • Dropped npm from engines in package.json since that was not helpful to package consumers installing it using npm@6 (or older) or another package manager such as yarn, generating an “engines warning”. We don’t package the lock file since we package pre-built distributions, so there’s no need to enforce a specific package manager on installation.


Release date: 2021-03-27


  • Fixed: The slim builds weren’t actually slim! They were still bundling @babel/runtime and lodash. Note this change doesn’t affect the default use of the package, which points to the full builds that bundle everything.


Release date: 2021-01-30


  • Fixed: The rtv.fullyQualify() method was not properly supporting Array typesets with a qualifier and a shape, e.g. [rtv.OPTIONAL, {foo: rtv.STRING}]. The method now correctly returns [rtv.OPTIONAL, rtv.OBJECT, {$ {foo: rtv.STRING}}].
  • Fixed: When validating objects against shapes, the rootCause of the RtvError object resulting from a failed validation would sometimes report that extra properties were found in the object even though the exact Shape Argument, or exactShapes validation option was not set to true. This is no longer the case.


Release date: 2021-01-14


  • Fixed: Setting the new exactShapes option in rtv.check() and rtv.verify() now properly fails the validation if any extra properties are found on the object being validated.
  • The rootCause of the resulting RtvError, when exactShapes=true (Type Validator Context Options) or exact=true (Shape Object Arguments) is the direct cause, is now an Error object which indicates the extra properties that were found on the value.


Release date: 2021-01-09


  • The following peer dependencies have been removed from the package to avoid unnecessary “missing peer dependency” warnings when installing the package, since the default CJS and ESM builds are fully bundled and don’t require them:
    • @babel/runtime: ^7.0.0
    • lodash: ^4.0.0


Release date: 2021-01-07


  • Additional builds, and non-breaking changes to existing builds:
    • The default CJS build (main field in package.json, unchanged, referencing ./dist/rtv.js) is now fully bundled again, like it was before.
    • The default ESM build (module field in package.json, unchanged, referencing ./dist/rtv.esm.js) is now fully bundled.
    • The UMD builds (./dist/rtv.umd.dev.js and ./dist/rtv.umd.js) are now fully bundled.
    • For each build type (CJS, ESM, UMD), there is now a .slim alternative which is non-bundled and relies on the following external dependencies:
      • lodash
      • @babel/runtime (CJS and ESM only)


Release date: 2020-12-26


  • New package builds:
    • All builds (CJS, ESM, UMD) depend on new peer dependencies: @babel/runtime and lodash: These are no longer bundled, in order to reduce duplication when bundling RTV.js into an app, since they are very common dependencies.
    • The CJS (as before) and ESM (new) builds depend on process.env.NODE_ENV being defined during bundling as either "development" or "production". This is a fairly standard global definition, so it shouldn’t really cause any trouble, and had previously been required for the CJS build anyway.
    • The CJS builds are now combined into a single file (./dist/rtv.js) with process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" checks where appropriate for dev-only behavior (e.g. deprecation warnings). It is targeted for consumption by app bundlers such as Webpack or Rollup.
    • The CJS build is no longer minified. Again, the app bundler should take care of this.
    • The CJS build depends on @babel/runtime and lodash, which are now declared as peer dependencies of this package, rather than pre-bundling them and adding unnecessary bloat when the consuming project is already using Babel and/or Lodash.
    • The new ESM build is available in ./dist/rtv.esm.js and also requires defining the process.env.NODE_ENV global.
    • NOTE: The UMD builds are still two files, Dev and Prod versions, and bundle everything. They are meant for self-contained, direct use in a browser. The package purposely does not reference the UMD build via the browser property because Webpack will prioritize that type of bundle by default, and this is not how this package should be consumed by another bundler who is also preparing a package to run in the browser. Doing so would lead to unnecessary duplication of code between Babel Runtime Helpers and Lodash functions, as well as prevent any level of tree shaking.
  • REMOVED the following đźš« deprecations:
    • RtvError.cause, replaced with RtvError.mismatch.
    • RtvError.failure, replaced with RtvError.rootCause.
    • rtv.t, being replaced by rtv.types.
    • rtv.q, being replaced by rtv.qualifiers.
    • rtv.e, being replaced by rtv.enabled (and then also removed; see below).
  • REMOVED the rtv.enabled convenience accessor. Use rtv.config.enabled instead, or define your own environment variable, e.g. DEV_ENV && rtv.verify(...)
  • REMOVED the default export. All exports are now named. To get the same behavior as before, change import rtv from 'rtvjs'; -> import * as rtv from 'rtvjs';. Default exports are generally a bad idea, especially when converting from ESM to CJS. The elimination of the default export should make bundling RTV.js much easier, regardless of your target format (CJS, ESM, UMD, …).
  • The fully-qualified ARRAY form’s ts argument (which provides the typeset to use when verifying an array’s elements) has been renamed to $ to be consistent with the $ property used in the fully-qualified form of the OBJECT, ANY_OBJECT, PLAIN_OBJECT, and CLASS_OBJECt types. In the end, whether with an ARRAY or one of the 4 object types, it’s still a typeset, so there was no reason to confuse things by using different property names. $ is unique and will be used for the same purpose should new features require nested typesets on other types.
  • The Collection Arguments keys and values properties have been renamed to $keys and $values, respectively, because they represent typesets, and this brings the property names inline with the distinctive $ used for typeset arguments on ARRAY and object types.


  • New rtv.check() / rtv.verify() option, exactShapes: boolean (default: false), and new Shape Object Argument, exact: boolean (default: false):
    • With exactShapes: true, any shape encountered will require its related object value to have exactly the same own-properties that it has.
    • This can be overridden on an individual shape basis by using the new exact: boolean flag in the Shape Object Arguments.
    • The default behavior remains unchanged: Shape validation only concerns itself with own-properties on the shape and ignores any additional own-properties the object being verified may have.
    • This applies to the following types: OBJECT, ANY_OBJECT, PLAIN_OBJECT, CLASS_OBJECT.
  • New Collection Argument deep, which applies to HASH_MAP only: When true, if a value in the map does not match the $values typeset, it’s expected to be a nested HASH_MAP whose keys and values match the parent map’s structure (i.e. the same arguments used on the parent map are used to verify the value of its key).


  • Setting rtv.config.enabled to a value that is not strictly a boolean will no longer cause an RtvError exception; instead, the value will simply be cast as a boolean.
  • Fixed a bug where the RtvError.typeset and RtvError.mismatch typesets, resulting from a failed type validation with the OBJECT, ANY_OBJECT, or PLAIN_OBJECT types, would not contain type arguments when they were specified as part of the original typeset. Difficult to explain, but just know that things are working better, even in obscure cases.


Release date: 2020-07-09

  • Prevent some potential denial-of-service security vulnerabilities by ensuring that active code doesn’t call .hasOwnProperty() directly on objects. Instead, uses Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, 'property').
  • Add parent and parentKey properties to Type Validator Context to provide more flexibility to reactive validations (see example in README).


Release date: 2020-06-09


  • Reverted package.json engines back to oldest supported Node LTS (>=10.21.0) and the version of NPM it ships with (>=6.14.4).


Release date: 2020-05-25


  • Dependency updates: All to latest.


Release date: 2020-02-17


  • Added sideEffects:false bundler hint/flag to package.json: This will help bundlers like Webpack, which support the hint/flag, to know that this package does not have any side effects, and can confidently be removed during tree shaking if there are no code paths that refer to the library (e.g. if you only use RTV in your development build). See Webpack docs for more information.
  • When a custom validator function is called, it now receives a fourth parameter, context, which is a type validator context. This context provides additional information about the verification, such as the original value being verified (which differs from the first parameter, value, as that is the value currently being verified, closest to the custom validator itself, e.g. the value of element in an array, as opposed to the array itself).
  • A reference to the RtvError constructor function (and RtvSuccess also, to balance things out) is now provided as rtv.RtvError so that an Error object can be tested using the instanceof operator.
  • Added a new qualifier: TRUTHY. Think of this qualifier as, “if truthy, the value is required to be of the specified type.” Therefore, falsy values like null, NaN, or false are permitted even if they aren’t of the expected type(s), which makes it possible to verify only when a value is truthy, something that was not previously possible even with the OPTIONAL qualifier.


  • When printing a typeset that contains a custom validator function, the validator is printed as "<validator>" instead of "<function>" (hopefully that’s more helpful when reading the typeset, typically in an RtvError’s string representation).
  • When a verification is failed by a custom validator that does not throw an error (instead, it just returns a falsy value), the generated error has been changed from "Verification failed due to custom validator" to "Verification failed by the custom validator", which hopefully better indicates that the verification failed because the custom validator chose to fail it, not because of the presence of a custom validator (as if it shouldn’t have been there).
  • đźš« DEPRECATED RtvError.cause, replaced with RtvError.mismatch.
  • đźš« DEPRECATED RtvError.failure, replaced with RtvError.rootCause.


  • API documentation for the rtv.t, rtv.q, and rtv.e deprecated properties. rtv.enabled (the newer one) no longer appears twice, once deprecated, once not.
  • An error thrown by a nested custom validator was not being reported in the RtvError#failure property (the property was undefined in most cases, even if the validator threw an error).


Release date: 2019-10-05


  • All types and qualifiers are now directly accessible on the rtv object (e.g. rtv.STRING).
  • It’s now possible to have the same type appear multiple times in the same typeset (this makes typeset composition much easier, avoiding the need for custom validators in lots of cases).
  • RtvError’s message and string serialization no longer includes the typeset to reduce log bloat/noise (they could be very long), but the typeset is still available as a property of the object.
  • đźš« DEPRECATED rtv.t, being replaced by rtv.types.
  • đźš« DEPRECATED rtv.q, being replaced by rtv.qualifiers.
  • đźš« DEPRECATED rtv.e, being replaced by rtv.enabled.


  • If an exception is thrown in impl, it’s no longer wrapped in an “outer” exception, resulting in a cleaner error message (e.g. what was once, “Cannot check value: Cannot check value: Invalid typeset…” for an invalid typeset nested 2 levels deep is now just, “Invalid typeset…”).


Release date: 2019-09-10


  • The ESM build output is replaced with a CJS build output as this is the most compatible with popular Webpack and Rollup build systems.
  • The main package export is now the CJS build output.
  • The CJS build output is found in ./dist/cjs/...
  • The UMD build output is now found in ./dist/umd/...


  • Dependency updates: All to latest.


Release date: 2019-05-19


  • Dependency updates only, including an update to jsdoc-to-markdown which resulted in some minor formatting changes to API.md.


Release date: 2019-02-02


  • Dependency updates (minor and patch versions only)


Release date: 2018-10-11

Initial release!